An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Monday, August 15, 2011

Prioritize then Procrastinate

I've just spent the past couple of hours writing a couple of posts for my new online Master's program.  Each one I've had to carefully write and revise before hitting the "post" button.  So as a relief to the morning, I'm just going to write what comes to mind.  It's been awhile.

So here goes!  I'm hitting a wall lately.  A wall with my weight, a wall with my will and a wall with my exercise "plan".  I've lost a lot of interest in rowing over the past couple of weeks which is something I always look forward to, I've not felt motivated by the 4 mile run coming up on Sept 4th and I've not really felt much restraint with regards to eating.  It's not exactly been a period of eating cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner and slobbing around but there has been a distinct change in my attitude of late.

So of course I immediately go to the question, "what's wrong with me?".  The truth is, nothing.  In reality, I spent everyday of my beach vacation being active and eating relatively well, all the while brewing up a nice summer cold.  When I got back I got sick and in turn fell off the wagon.  The problem is, now that it's time to get back on, I can't be bothered.

It's a common occurrence where I binge on many things at once, get overwhelmed and loaded down, then shut down until I can get it together again.  Not a good thing if I can't balance all the things I want to do.  The obvious thing to do is to cut back on activities, focusing on what is important.  Here's what comes to mind first with regards to importance:

-losing weight, building muscle
-enjoying my food/booze now and again
-doing a good job at my "job"
-making good grades
-and for whatever reason it's last, making sure that I am a nice person to be around while doing so

I'm not really sure what I'm getting at with this post other than to rant a little about what's on my mind.  I am reminded of a t-shirt my sister once had that said "Procrastinators Unite... Tomorrow!"  That about sums it up right now.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Run/Walk, Sponsorship and Shoes

It's been a long time since I last posted, especially since I was posting everyday in June.  My affair with Jillian Michaels still continues just not on a daily basis and I am continuing to exercise at least 6 days a week.  These past couple of weeks have been mostly devoted to Couch to 5K and so far I have completed just over "2 weeks" of that program.  Because the program only requires a run/walk 3x a week, and I am trying to do about 4-5x a week, I am already up to jogging/walking in 90 second intervals for 25 minutes comfortably.  Up until this point I have yet to experience any major pain in my knee although today I felt a tinge of discomfort and forced myself to slow down, which corrected the problem quite quickly.  All in all, I am excited that I am having success with running and I look forward to running most of the 4 miler I am signed up for in September.

On that note, I am still looking for more sponsors who would be interested in dontating $25 to the UVA Breast Cancer Research.  The Women's 4 Miler is an annual event here in Charlottesville and I feel privileged to be a part of it... it filled up and sold out in less than a day!

If you are interested, click on the link below and the click that you would like to sponsor a runner... my name is spelled "reese" for this.  There are 3500 runners in this event - if all were to get 5 sponsors we could raise a lot more money for this important cause!

I would like to sponsor Ashley for $25

A little can go a long way!

On another note, how does one know that they need new running shoes?  Does my general muscle/joint ache come from the high impact, or do I need new shoes?  I've had mine for about a year and half and have not done much running, but use them for all athletic activities.  Any advice?

On yet another note, I went to the Endocrinologist yesterday and found out I have lost 7 lbs since my last visit... in January.  So, 7 pounds in 7 months.  I am due for a measurement check next week - will see where I really stand then!  Stay tuned!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mixed-Up Head and Other Topics

I don't know why it is, but Level 3 of this Shred gives me the oddest feeling.  I once described it in a former post that my head gets all scrambly and I have a slight feeling of dizziness by the last circuit and definitely at the end.  Although today's after-workout feeling wasn't as bad as a couple of weeks ago, I have to say that yet again, I have come out of Level 3 feeling a bit crappy.  My muscles feel great and I know that I've gotten a good workout, but the type of up and down activities that make up Level 3 seem to mess with my equilibrium.  Does anyone else out there have this problem?

On another more positive note, my Couch to 5K program is going smoothly and I am still able to run without pain or stiffness in my knee!  Albeit, I am running very short intervals and short distances but still running!  I've just finished Week 1 of the program and will be moving on to Week 2 tomorrow... the amount of running time increases as does the walking time.  Eventually, the walking time will decrease.

On a diet note, I have newly discovered Quinoa a type of grain that is not only extremely tasty (if prepared well), but is extremely healthy and keeps you full.  If you've never tried it, have a go!  It has a lovely nutty flavor.  Here's how I prepare it:

1 1/4 cup of Organic Chicken Broth
1 cup Quinoa
Salt, Pepper

Get the Broth up to a boil, put in Quinoa, give it a stir, cover and reduce heat to a simmer for about 12-15 mins.  The Broth will get absorbed into the Quinoa - sometimes I have to add a TBSP more of broth after the 12-15 mins and cook it for a little longer.  Fluff it and serve.

Here are some great foods that I've substituted Quinoa as the "starch"
Chicken Curry
Beef from the Crockpot with Quinoa
Cold Quinoa with fresh tomatoes, feta cheese and a little Greek dressing (personal fave!)
Quinoa and Stir-Fried Veggies...

It goes well with lots of stuff.  Enjoy!

Mixed-Up Head and Other Topics

I don't know why it is, but Level 3 of this Shred gives me the oddest feeling.  I once described it in a former post that my head gets all scrambly and I have a slight feeling of dizziness by the last circuit and definitely at the end.  Although today's after-workout feeling wasn't as bad as a couple of weeks ago, I have to say that yet again, I have come out of Level 3 feeling a bit crappy.  My muscles feel great and I know that I've gotten a good workout, but the type of up and down activities that make up Level 3 seem to mess with my equilibrium.  Does anyone else out there have this problem?

On another more positive note, my Couch to 5K program is going smoothly and I am still able to run without pain or stiffness in my knee!  Albeit, I am running very short intervals and short distances but still running!  I've just finished Week 1 of the program and will be moving on to Week 2 tomorrow... the amount of running time increases as does the walking time.  Eventually, the walking time will decrease.

On a diet note, I have newly discovered Quinoa a type of grain that is not only extremely tasty (if prepared well), but is extremely healthy and keeps you full.  If you've never tried it, have a go!  It has a lovely nutty flavor.  Here's how I prepare it:

1 1/4 cup of Organic Chicken Broth
1 cup Quinoa
Salt, Pepper

Get the Broth up to a boil, put in Quinoa, give it a stir, cover and reduce heat to a simmer for about 12-15 mins.  The Broth will get absorbed into the Quinoa - sometimes I have to add a TBSP more of broth after the 12-15 mins and cook it for a little longer.  Fluff it and serve.

Here are some great foods that I've substituted Quinoa as the "starch"
Chicken Curry
Beef from the Crockpot with Quinoa
Cold Quinoa with fresh tomatoes, feta cheese and a little Greek dressing (personal fave!)
Quinoa and Stir-Fried Veggies...

It goes well with lots of stuff.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Couch to 5k

I can't remember exactly who steered me in the direction of "Couch to 5K" but if you're reading this, THANKS! Two years ago this September I broke my 5th metatarsal in my right foot whilst training for a 5k run.  I ran for about 10 minutes when I ran down a small slope from the road to the trail and snap - it was broken.  Unfortunately I had to walk back to my car, hobbling and crying, trying to suck it up, thinking it was just a sprain or minor injury.  I even decided to go to a friend's house for dinner that night instead of going to the emergency room.  The next morning, still not able to put any weight on it, I found out I had broken my foot.  Bummer.

It was a bummer then, and it still is a bummer today.  The walking cast/boot that I wore for almost 3 months changed the way I walked which later, I found out, caused me to irritate an existing knee injury.  I finally got up the nerve and will to begin running again last summer and in doing so caused such inflammation in my knee that I couldn't walk without limping.  Not to mention the random aches and pains in my foot that comes from changes in barometric pressure.  A few doctors appointments later and lots of money down the drain for physical therapy, I decided to just give up the idea of running all together.

Not a week has gone by in these past couple of years that I haven't thought or fantasized about the time in my life when I was running 3 miles 3 times a week.  And it wasn't that long ago, and no I wasn't that much younger.  The high you get from jogging and the physical results that come from it are too much to stray away from this activity.

So, in the midst of all the other crazy ways I am using to get Shredded this summer, I have begun the "Couch to 5K" beginner running program.  Today as Day 1 included 25 minutes total:  a 5 minute brisk walk/warm-up followed by alternating 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking.  The plan asks that you run only 3 times a week.  Each week the length of time running increases just a bit.  Apparently in 2 months, one can run 3 miles.  I am definitely feeling sore tonight but I look forward to reclaiming my enjoyment of running - I rule this body, not the other way around!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Time for More Change

I've just come down from an action packed weekend of eating more than I usually do and drinking around 2-4 glasses of wine each day.  I can look past all this fun since it was in celebration of my 3-year anniversary and 30th birthday, but I have to say I'm not really feeling better for it.  Even though my hubby might have something to say about this, perhaps I need to switch to the dreaded Michelob Ultra... and  make a new rule that 1 glass of anything = 1 glass of water.  Might I add too that the food we have been eating has been really nice and fresh, just too much of it.  

On Monday, I became quite scrambly in my head after doing Level 3.  And up until now I figured it was all the crap in my system.  But today I am feeling a little bit the same way after my workout.  You know, that scrambly-headed feeling that you get from too many corkscrews on a roller coaster!  Dizzy.  Slightly nauseous.  I'm also having to force myself to eat,  as I'm not hungry - something that is not good with a metabolism as slow as mine.

What am I going to do about it you ask?  Well, I am on a strict, healthy, no alcohol diet (with an exception of this Sat. night - night out at a vineyard).  We are traveling to Florida at the end of next week, and to feel bloated and fat is definitely a no-no when you are sporting a swimsuit!

So, the title of this blog "Time for More Change" is a comment on how I am feeling it increasingly frustrating that I am not losing weight.  Everyday I experience a different emotion about this whole thing.  Most days I feel good that I've lost inches, but there are days when I feel that this is far harder than it should be.  What am I doing wrong?  And don't hold 4 days of fun against me ;+)  I need a new plan - my body is maintaining well with the South Beach Diet but not losing.  So, it's time for more change - now how to get on with it?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cat Belly

It's been a couple of days since I last posted.  Not really much to write about everyday now that I am done with the initial 30 days.  I am still working on Level 3 and feeling pretty badass - as my facebook status yesterday read "Doing full walking push-ups makes me feel pretty badass".  It's true!  To have begun this workout video and only be able to do maybe 10 push-ups on my knees to doing 30 second intervals of full walking push -ups feels great!

So what's the title of this post all about?  I mentioned maybe 2 weeks or more ago to some friends that when doing any plank position my belly hung down like a fat cat's does.  You know what I mean, right?  Well, I am pleased to say that that belly is getting smaller and is dangling less and less as I progress through this workout!  Every move in Level 3 either directly or indirectly targets the core - she goes to say that "you won't get ripped abs with crunches alone - that's a myth".  Like with most things, there is no magic cure for losing weight and getting trim - it's just hard work and a good diet.  For some, it takes A LOT longer.

To give you an idea of how my body works - I've apparently lost 4 pounds in the past 2 days.  One word - whatever.  It bugs me, but deep down I know I'm looking better and more importantly, feeling better.  According to my "Accu-Measure Personal Body Fat Tester" I am "Average" for my age at about 30% body fat.  Not bad I guess - according to my BMI though I am overweight.

Every time I do a circuit that burns, or I'm feeling lazy, I just remember that one of these days I'm going to drop weight and below all this chub will be lean muscle.   Send your "weight loss vibes" everyone!!!!  Mr. Thyroid is seeing to it that I stay right where I am, but you can counteract that...

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Number 33

Today I write for the number 3!  33 days of doing Shred, 3 inches lost, and enjoying Level 3!

For the first time in a couple weeks, I am really feeling sore in my thighs.  Good news though, that's where I really need to lose!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pros and Cons

So I've been keeping everyone I know updated on the status of my Shred for the past month and lately I've really been thinking about the pros and cons of this workout.  But before I get into that, I would like to announce that I did all of Level 3 today!  A little bird told me that it was easier than Level 2.  I would agree that in some respects it feels easier because it's not as demanding on a cardiovascular level.

Having said that, Level 3 really zaps the muscles and demands much much more of the body overall - and by demand I mean control.  Particularly the jumping lunges which I am afraid of doing more than a couple of for fear that I will rip up my knee.  Thankfully, gracious Jillian allows for a modification of "regular" lunges.  I was very excited today to see "jumpies" in the 3rd circuit!  She calls them "jumping squats" but I know them as "jumpies" because we often do or refer to them in rowing.  I would say though that putting the arms out instead of down on the squat part is far easier - but who am I to question Ms. Michaels?!

So, back to the overall pros and cons:
                Pros                                               Cons
         It's everyday                                  It's Everyday
         I have lost inches                           I haven't lost weight
       I am really getting strong                I am bulking up a bit
         It's only 20 mins                        There's no excuse not to do it because it's only 20 mins!
       Jillian is down to earth                  Some moves are hard on the knees  
    Did I mention it's only 20 mins!?

So I guess there aren't many cons - just a bit of belly-aching on my part.  I think my favorite pro is that the video is only 20 mins and without this, I'm not sure that I would want to continue! Continuing = results!

On another note - us Novices kicked bootay yesterday at Rocketts Landing Regatta where we won our heat!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Dreaded Level 3 (da da daaaa)!

I sat around all morning and finally got the gumption to do my Shred.  So, in the spirit of getting moving I decided to do Level 3 for the first time today.  What a hard workout - great - but hard.  The workout requires more from your core than all the others, it requires you to do punches and jumping jacks with your weights... wow.  Admittedly I only did circuits 1 and 2 due to a small pain in my shoulder, and the pool date I have in about 5 mins.  But, I expect tomorrow I will try again.

I am rowing in a 1000 meter sprint race tomorrow and don't want to wear myself out - If I've lost around 3 inches in 30 days I suspect that level 3 is going to kick my ass into gear and burn off another 3.

For those of you who haven't yet experienced Level 3, just do it!  You'll be glad you did.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Measurement Check

I wasn't sure at first if I even wanted to take my measurements today.  My husband asked me, "I thought you would wait to do the full 30 days".  I've missed 5 days out of the 30 and although my first instinct is to be too hard on myself, I think I have to look past this and think about all the rowing I've done in addition to this mad workout.

Since I haven't lost any weight, I was reticent to see if I'd lost any inches today for fear that I wouldn't see any results and just throw in the towel.  Well, I can say HOORAY!- I have lost inches in the past 30 days!  I wrote a post in May called Let the Games Begin with my starting measurements but for the sake of ease I'll list them here as well.

Beginning 5/22    Today 5/23   Difference
Thighs -  27"             26"               -1"
Hips -     44"             43.5"            -.5"
Waist -   34"             32.7"            -1.3"
Bust -     36"             36"                -0"
Arms -    13"           12.5"              -.5"

For 30 days, I guess 3.3 inches is pretty good.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 29

It's Day 29 and I just can't bring myself to Shred today.  I am wiped from this past week of travelling, visitng and entertaining.  I rowed early this morning so I don't feel completely lazy.

I gained weight again this week - probably due to too much fun this past weekend and not enough water on a daily basis.  So, what do I do?  I had some ice cream after dinner last night, and today I wanted to make mac 'n' cheese for dinner.  So discouraging to get on the scale but then again, what's new.  On the flip side, my upper body is starting to look ripped.  Legs and hips aren't bad either but my clothes still fit the same way.  Why am I so hung up on this scale issue?  Arg. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 28

Did my Shred first thing this morning, but the humidity outside and the thought of rowing practice tonight makes me want to curl up and take a nap.  The idea that exercise gives you energy is not the case this week.  Two more days!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 27

Thank goodness for coffee and bacon, for were it not for these amazing things I would not have Shredded today!  Had a tough morning row followed by half an episode of Graham Norton and a Law and Order UK.  I felt like I was ready to Shred.  

There are technically 3 more days of Shred, although I have yet to move on to Level 3.  I just spent the weekend away celebrating a friend's birthday, and today my parents are coming into town.  In light of this coming weekend's regatta Rocketts Landing Sprints and some extra rowing, I've decided not to push into Level 3 until later in the week.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 25

I can't believe that it's already Day 25.  Admittedly, I took about 3 days rest throughout this whole thing, so really I have 8 more days of Shred - but with the idea of keeping this up in July, I'm not too bothered about the few days I missed.

Last night for the first time in a long time, I gorged myself on the deliciousness that is "The Melting Pot".  Aside from the chocolate fondue and dessert dippers, the meal was pretty healthy!  However, feeling like a piggy was enough to get me to do my Shred this morning.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 24

Got up this morning after a night of 4 pints and late bedtime to do my Shred.  I am so proud of my best friend who decided to support me by joining in the fun!  It's not easy beginning with Level 2, but she got in there and got sweaty!  I myself am currently dripping sweat and feeling good that I even did anything this morning - I have the sweet high of coffee to thank for that.  

Tonight will be a gluttonous meal at the Melting Pot and most likely more pints... load up on water, keep the ibuprofen close and bring it on Jillian!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 23

Day 23.  Almost to the finish line!  A friend asked me today if I had done Level 3 yet.  No.  Today I could barely keep up with Level 2!  Today will be spent in the car, maybe my muscles will have a bit of a rest.  Level 3 will have to wait till another day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 22

I had a practice to make up so I hauled myself out of bed at 5am and got to a morning rowing practice.  My day is going to be a bit full so I decided to just come home and "get Shred over with".  It's amazing how limber I am after I row - the only problem being how tired or energized I am.  This morning I had surprisingly some energy left!  Getting this done so the rest of the day is mine is a good feeling!

Another random thought... I'd like to thank everyone who has been so supportive!  I think this blog has been a great way to hold myself accountable.  Plus, it's good to tell people about what you're doing to get support from all angles!  So, thank you - it means a lot that you read and comment!

Day 21

I forgot to write yesterday (Day 21).  Did my Shred around lunchtime so I could crash after rowing.  Level 2 is definitely getting easier.  I can do more reps and I have more stamina during the "plank thrusts", "plank jacks", and the twisty plank thingys for the abs.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 20

Rowing was shorter than usual but was way more intense tonight.  I am sore in my arms, legs, abdomen, back... hell, what doesn't hurt right now?!  So, I don't feel in the slightest bit guilty for skipping Shred tonight.  My body is telling me to rest.

Tomorrow is a new day and rest will energize me to finish up these last 10 days!

Day 19

Waited until 8:30pm to do my Shred.  I had resigned myself to being lazy and taking the day off when I got a push from out of nowhere!  Did it and felt better for it.  Tomorrow marks the end of our 2-week Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet.  What does that mean?  It just means that we can begin slowly adding in certain complex carbs, eating fruit, and treating ourselves to alcoholic beverages again.

Someone asked me how I was doing with the Shred last night, I told her that I felt ripped - hardly the case, but I do feel great!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 18

I forgot to write yesterday (Sat.)... waited until 5pm to do my Shred - was a very good workout.  My shoulder is already better provided that I don't ask too much of it.  I bought a new swimsuit this weekend and feeling much much better about myself!  Thank you Jillian!

12 more days to Shred!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 17

The past couple of days I have been having some pain and discomfort from the muscles on my left shoulder blade.  I think the muscle is a tad inflammed and that it's putting some pressure on a nerve.  So, to remedy this, I've been icing it and taking some anti-inflammatory meds.  

Needless to say it impeded upon today's Shred.  Workout 2's planks, push-ups, dumbbell rows don't exactly help if you have a shoulder issue.  I did 2 circuits and had to stop.  Hopefully, my "remedies" will quickly fix the problem and I can finish this 30 days without too much of a struggle.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 16

Here I am, on the floor again, sweating like a maniac!  When I have the energy to actually give my all, I can see why this 30-Shred can work.  I am wondering however how people who don't exercise already get through this!  I know some who have this video and all are no stranger to moderate exercise and/or lead active lives and they are not boasting that it's easy.  I myself row for about 1.5 hours 4 times a week - and I struggle.

To be honest, I'm not sure that Level 2 will ever become "easy" enough to just move to Level 3.  It may be hard but as Jillian says "I get results.  I get results because I push you."  I think I have reserved the last 5 days for the Level 3 push, then I can take a couple days to get my body back together.  30 day Shred will stay a part of my summer routine, and I can't wait until the end of this 30 days to take my measurements (check out "Let the Games Begin" post for my starting measurements)!  I know I have slimmed down at least a little.

Day 15

Well, I had every intention of getting up and doing my halfway point Shred workout on Day 15, but I was way too relaxed and the rest felt good!  Skipped Day 15, but back on the wagon for Day 16.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 14

I got up this morning, had my coffee, did a couple things around the flat, and did my Shred for the day.  Today I decided to change it up a little.  I put my TV on mute, put on Cut//Copy and turned the stereo volume up.  Motivation hasn't been my strong point lately, so the music helped me to forget about the workout and just do it!

I realized last night that today marked the exact 1-week mark from when I began Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet.  It's been a bit rough, but I think I'm finally getting used to eating this way! Yay!  No more weak, giddy feeling!  Anyway, back to the important thing...  So I weighed myself on Friday just randomly, and this morning I had lost .8 lbs from Friday!  I imagine I've lost at least a pound this week!  Wooo hoooo!!

Now to keep on this track until I get to my goal weight - I need to lose 15 pounds more...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 13

Did Shred half-assed today - I finished circuit 2 and decided I just couldn't do any more.  Today marked the beginning of my summer holidays and so I felt a bit anxious that I didn't have a schedule to follow today.  No schedule = laziness.  This is going to work way better if I just get Shred done early morning, then rest at the pool!  Otherwise I put it off until later evening, then I'm done.

Almost halfway through!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 12

Sunday is usually quiet and lazy... not too much of a motivator for working out, but when the workout is 20 mins.  I can hardly complain.  The lack of sugar, baked goods and simple carbs in my system has been affecting me the past couple of days - a little giddy.  This tells me I'm on the right track of clearing this crap out of my system ;+)

I'm done with Jillian for today - off to the movies now!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 11

Again I had a very hard rowing practice, so when I got home I literally forced myself to do Level 2.  I can't say I had 100% to give, but I did as much as my body could do.  Now, for my rant...

I'm a third of the way done with this Shred and up until this point I have been focused, energized and excited.  When though, do I begin to look as good as I feel?!!!  I put on a pair of capri pants today (with wide leg might I add) that have been too tight around the belly, and I'm dying to get into them.  I thought perhaps they might feel at least slightly looser... I was WRONG!  I still look fat in them!  So, you're probably thinking, "Ash, it's only the beginning, give it time" but hey, when I feel like I'm working my arse off (literally) I want to see that!  I'm tired of feeling great about myself then having moments like this - I'm turning 30 on July 5th and really want to begin a new decade fit and lighter.

So, today I am feeling a little down.  In reality, I know that if I'm consistent and continue to push hard, I will eventually see results.  It just can't come soon enough!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 10

My plans to double up on my workout today fell through because of a headache this afternoon.  I got one in though!  I can't help but feel a little disappointed in myself that I missed Sunday and last night, but then I have to remember that I am also rowing 4x a week (which has been quite hard this season!).  I have been doing some kind of physical activity everyday since I got this video, so I suppose there is much to be said about that!

I saw a neighbor this afternoon while walking my dog and she asked how things were going then commented on how she thought I had lost "a lot" of weight!  I suppose since last summer I have lost weight and defintately toned up, but I haven't lost any weight in a few months.  Weighed in today and not much change.  To get my body with the program, I've been cutting out all baked goods, sweets, alcohol and bad carbs.  I am actually trying not to eat carbs at all, but sometimes I feel that my body needs it.  The South Beach Diet is easy to follow and I've had good results with it before.

I love this!  Thanks to the South Beach Diet Cookbook...Phase 1 too!
1 cup Very Vanilla Soy Milk
3/4 cup plain yogurt
6 oz. Firm Silken Tofu
1/4 cup dry-roasted almonds

Put it all in a blender and mix!  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 9

After sitting in traffic for almost 20 mins on my home from rowing I made the decision to forgo my workout.  Nevermind the extreme hunger I worked up!  I decided to exercise tomorrow morning when I wake up, then again tomorrow afternoon/evening.  Tomorrow morning is weigh-day - let's see if there are any positive results!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 8

I had a particularly stressful afternoon so when I came home from work I put my all into Level 2 of my shred workout.  The plank exercises from this workout really work my abs and outer thighs.  I flat-out refuse to do the double jump rope move in this workout... Jillian waits until Circuit 2 to pull this out of her hat of torture, but due to my weak knees and improper "jumping surface" I've decided to just fast forward through that part for now.  What to do in it's place?  maybe "jumpies" - those are great for a nice butt and thighs!

Week one is done!  Abs feel tighter, but no major results yet.  I have cut back food and caloric intake, hopefully that will jump start my metabolism and help to melt this weight away.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 7

I decided to do my Shred tonight after rowing practice.  Last time I did it before, I felt like jelly and was knackered during the rowing.  Although it was almost a quarter to 9 I thought it best to get the workout done anyway.  Surprisingly I had a second wind, so I figured "what the hey, I'll try out Workout 2 tonight".

Workout 2 was SO FUN!  I loved the introduction of planks in various forms - "caterpillar-like" planks in the strength training, "jumping jack thingy" planks in the cardio, and "twisty" planks for the abs...  It was nice to "require" more from my core throughout the workout.  This one was definately a step-up from Workout 1 - I will be sore in the morning!  

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 6

Yesterday's rest helped big time!  I woke up early this morning, had my coffee and was ready to go!  Today I felt like I made it through the workout more easily, especially the cardio sequences.  I still hate the jumping jacks and the jump rope moves, but at least they are getting easier to do.

There aren't any noticeable changes in my body with the exception of my arms and shoulders, but those areas have been in the making for a longer period of time.  I feel like my abs are a little tighter, but there isn't a visible difference (yet).  I have decided to switch to Level 2 this week on my non-rowing days - Wed. Fri. and Sun. - and stick to Level 1 on row days, for the time being.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 5

I have decided to skip today and add the workout later.  Spent all day walking around Busch Gardens in the heat... body says rest, so that's what I'm going to do!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 4

The morning began with a tough rowing practice, so after doing that, doing the grocery shopping and washing the car, I didn't feel much like doing my 20 min shred.  Finally around 6pm I decided to pull myself together and suck it up.  Admittedly, I took tiny breaks throughout the cardio sequences but I didn't feel too bad about that given my morning.  My calves and shins have been sore from all the jumping around and I had a little knee pain, but nothing a little naproxen can't take care of.  I took some photos today to have a before picture, and later an after picture.

The workouts are still getting easier and I finally have a good idea how many reps I'm doing in each segment.  Jillian doesn't count them out, nor do they keep the beat with the background music.  Counting helps me to keep pushing.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 3

I couldn't sleep much past 6 this morning despite yesterday afternoon's exercise and the late bedtime so I got up and forced mysefl to turn on the TV and DVD.   My muscles are sore in a good way and I'm tired, but I feel good that I am done with this for today.  This morning I was craving a little more ab work as 3 mins just didn't feel enough for my stomach!  My arms and shoulders seem to be the most worked as they are the muscles that ache the most.  The lunges in this video are great for my upper thighs and bum.

Almost halfway done with my first week... day 30 is a long way away, but I can do this!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 2

Today I had an extra hour to spare so even though on Thursdays I have a rowing practice, I decided to have my 20 mins with Jillian anyway.  The jumping jacks and other cardio were easier today but strength training was just as tough.  I moved to a harder surface instead of carpet for the cardio segments - gave me better traction I guess.  I don't think I'll spend more than a week on Level 1 as it was already better today.  My 20 mins of shred made rowing even harder than usual as I was a little wobbly.  I wore a heart rate monitor for the workout and rowing, and apparently (according to it) I burned about 1800 calories from 4:30 to 9.  Is this even possible?!  More importantly I was at peak heart rate for a good bit of my shred.

I like Jillian's tough talking though - it keeps me going and reminds me that without this hard work, I won't see the results I want. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 1

I got the DVD in the mail today.  Watched about 5 minutes of it then decided to go ahead and start.  Today is my off day from rowing and I figured 20 minutes is not a lot.  Damn this workout is tough!  3 minutes of strength exercises followed by 2 minutes of cardio followed by 1 minute of abs, done 3 times.  I can tell where I struggle most; cardio.  Plus, it's a lot of jumping jacks and jump rope type things.  But, as Jillian says "you don't get results without hard work".  So, day 1 is done - I look forward to what I will look like on day 30.  

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Let the Games Begin!

I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new DVD purchase, "30-Day Shred" with Jillian Michaels.  The DVD contains 3 workouts, and is designed to be done everyday for 30 days.  What better way to jump-start my weight loss and slim down than with a 30-day challenge!  In order to hold myself accountable, I will document each day in hopes that I will stay motivated and hopefully motivate others.

I don't intend to lose weight simply by doing a 20 minute workout each day, but I do intend to start eating right, hopefully lose some inches, and in time lose the weight I want.

Starting Measurements:
thighs:  27"
hips:  44"
waist:  34"
bust:  36"
arms:  13"