An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mixed-Up Head and Other Topics

I don't know why it is, but Level 3 of this Shred gives me the oddest feeling.  I once described it in a former post that my head gets all scrambly and I have a slight feeling of dizziness by the last circuit and definitely at the end.  Although today's after-workout feeling wasn't as bad as a couple of weeks ago, I have to say that yet again, I have come out of Level 3 feeling a bit crappy.  My muscles feel great and I know that I've gotten a good workout, but the type of up and down activities that make up Level 3 seem to mess with my equilibrium.  Does anyone else out there have this problem?

On another more positive note, my Couch to 5K program is going smoothly and I am still able to run without pain or stiffness in my knee!  Albeit, I am running very short intervals and short distances but still running!  I've just finished Week 1 of the program and will be moving on to Week 2 tomorrow... the amount of running time increases as does the walking time.  Eventually, the walking time will decrease.

On a diet note, I have newly discovered Quinoa a type of grain that is not only extremely tasty (if prepared well), but is extremely healthy and keeps you full.  If you've never tried it, have a go!  It has a lovely nutty flavor.  Here's how I prepare it:

1 1/4 cup of Organic Chicken Broth
1 cup Quinoa
Salt, Pepper

Get the Broth up to a boil, put in Quinoa, give it a stir, cover and reduce heat to a simmer for about 12-15 mins.  The Broth will get absorbed into the Quinoa - sometimes I have to add a TBSP more of broth after the 12-15 mins and cook it for a little longer.  Fluff it and serve.

Here are some great foods that I've substituted Quinoa as the "starch"
Chicken Curry
Beef from the Crockpot with Quinoa
Cold Quinoa with fresh tomatoes, feta cheese and a little Greek dressing (personal fave!)
Quinoa and Stir-Fried Veggies...

It goes well with lots of stuff.  Enjoy!

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