An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cat Belly

It's been a couple of days since I last posted.  Not really much to write about everyday now that I am done with the initial 30 days.  I am still working on Level 3 and feeling pretty badass - as my facebook status yesterday read "Doing full walking push-ups makes me feel pretty badass".  It's true!  To have begun this workout video and only be able to do maybe 10 push-ups on my knees to doing 30 second intervals of full walking push -ups feels great!

So what's the title of this post all about?  I mentioned maybe 2 weeks or more ago to some friends that when doing any plank position my belly hung down like a fat cat's does.  You know what I mean, right?  Well, I am pleased to say that that belly is getting smaller and is dangling less and less as I progress through this workout!  Every move in Level 3 either directly or indirectly targets the core - she goes to say that "you won't get ripped abs with crunches alone - that's a myth".  Like with most things, there is no magic cure for losing weight and getting trim - it's just hard work and a good diet.  For some, it takes A LOT longer.

To give you an idea of how my body works - I've apparently lost 4 pounds in the past 2 days.  One word - whatever.  It bugs me, but deep down I know I'm looking better and more importantly, feeling better.  According to my "Accu-Measure Personal Body Fat Tester" I am "Average" for my age at about 30% body fat.  Not bad I guess - according to my BMI though I am overweight.

Every time I do a circuit that burns, or I'm feeling lazy, I just remember that one of these days I'm going to drop weight and below all this chub will be lean muscle.   Send your "weight loss vibes" everyone!!!!  Mr. Thyroid is seeing to it that I stay right where I am, but you can counteract that...

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