An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Friday, July 8, 2011

Couch to 5k

I can't remember exactly who steered me in the direction of "Couch to 5K" but if you're reading this, THANKS! Two years ago this September I broke my 5th metatarsal in my right foot whilst training for a 5k run.  I ran for about 10 minutes when I ran down a small slope from the road to the trail and snap - it was broken.  Unfortunately I had to walk back to my car, hobbling and crying, trying to suck it up, thinking it was just a sprain or minor injury.  I even decided to go to a friend's house for dinner that night instead of going to the emergency room.  The next morning, still not able to put any weight on it, I found out I had broken my foot.  Bummer.

It was a bummer then, and it still is a bummer today.  The walking cast/boot that I wore for almost 3 months changed the way I walked which later, I found out, caused me to irritate an existing knee injury.  I finally got up the nerve and will to begin running again last summer and in doing so caused such inflammation in my knee that I couldn't walk without limping.  Not to mention the random aches and pains in my foot that comes from changes in barometric pressure.  A few doctors appointments later and lots of money down the drain for physical therapy, I decided to just give up the idea of running all together.

Not a week has gone by in these past couple of years that I haven't thought or fantasized about the time in my life when I was running 3 miles 3 times a week.  And it wasn't that long ago, and no I wasn't that much younger.  The high you get from jogging and the physical results that come from it are too much to stray away from this activity.

So, in the midst of all the other crazy ways I am using to get Shredded this summer, I have begun the "Couch to 5K" beginner running program.  Today as Day 1 included 25 minutes total:  a 5 minute brisk walk/warm-up followed by alternating 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking.  The plan asks that you run only 3 times a week.  Each week the length of time running increases just a bit.  Apparently in 2 months, one can run 3 miles.  I am definitely feeling sore tonight but I look forward to reclaiming my enjoyment of running - I rule this body, not the other way around!

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