An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Run/Walk, Sponsorship and Shoes

It's been a long time since I last posted, especially since I was posting everyday in June.  My affair with Jillian Michaels still continues just not on a daily basis and I am continuing to exercise at least 6 days a week.  These past couple of weeks have been mostly devoted to Couch to 5K and so far I have completed just over "2 weeks" of that program.  Because the program only requires a run/walk 3x a week, and I am trying to do about 4-5x a week, I am already up to jogging/walking in 90 second intervals for 25 minutes comfortably.  Up until this point I have yet to experience any major pain in my knee although today I felt a tinge of discomfort and forced myself to slow down, which corrected the problem quite quickly.  All in all, I am excited that I am having success with running and I look forward to running most of the 4 miler I am signed up for in September.

On that note, I am still looking for more sponsors who would be interested in dontating $25 to the UVA Breast Cancer Research.  The Women's 4 Miler is an annual event here in Charlottesville and I feel privileged to be a part of it... it filled up and sold out in less than a day!

If you are interested, click on the link below and the click that you would like to sponsor a runner... my name is spelled "reese" for this.  There are 3500 runners in this event - if all were to get 5 sponsors we could raise a lot more money for this important cause!

I would like to sponsor Ashley for $25

A little can go a long way!

On another note, how does one know that they need new running shoes?  Does my general muscle/joint ache come from the high impact, or do I need new shoes?  I've had mine for about a year and half and have not done much running, but use them for all athletic activities.  Any advice?

On yet another note, I went to the Endocrinologist yesterday and found out I have lost 7 lbs since my last visit... in January.  So, 7 pounds in 7 months.  I am due for a measurement check next week - will see where I really stand then!  Stay tuned!

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