An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Time for More Change

I've just come down from an action packed weekend of eating more than I usually do and drinking around 2-4 glasses of wine each day.  I can look past all this fun since it was in celebration of my 3-year anniversary and 30th birthday, but I have to say I'm not really feeling better for it.  Even though my hubby might have something to say about this, perhaps I need to switch to the dreaded Michelob Ultra... and  make a new rule that 1 glass of anything = 1 glass of water.  Might I add too that the food we have been eating has been really nice and fresh, just too much of it.  

On Monday, I became quite scrambly in my head after doing Level 3.  And up until now I figured it was all the crap in my system.  But today I am feeling a little bit the same way after my workout.  You know, that scrambly-headed feeling that you get from too many corkscrews on a roller coaster!  Dizzy.  Slightly nauseous.  I'm also having to force myself to eat,  as I'm not hungry - something that is not good with a metabolism as slow as mine.

What am I going to do about it you ask?  Well, I am on a strict, healthy, no alcohol diet (with an exception of this Sat. night - night out at a vineyard).  We are traveling to Florida at the end of next week, and to feel bloated and fat is definitely a no-no when you are sporting a swimsuit!

So, the title of this blog "Time for More Change" is a comment on how I am feeling it increasingly frustrating that I am not losing weight.  Everyday I experience a different emotion about this whole thing.  Most days I feel good that I've lost inches, but there are days when I feel that this is far harder than it should be.  What am I doing wrong?  And don't hold 4 days of fun against me ;+)  I need a new plan - my body is maintaining well with the South Beach Diet but not losing.  So, it's time for more change - now how to get on with it?

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