An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 7

I decided to do my Shred tonight after rowing practice.  Last time I did it before, I felt like jelly and was knackered during the rowing.  Although it was almost a quarter to 9 I thought it best to get the workout done anyway.  Surprisingly I had a second wind, so I figured "what the hey, I'll try out Workout 2 tonight".

Workout 2 was SO FUN!  I loved the introduction of planks in various forms - "caterpillar-like" planks in the strength training, "jumping jack thingy" planks in the cardio, and "twisty" planks for the abs...  It was nice to "require" more from my core throughout the workout.  This one was definately a step-up from Workout 1 - I will be sore in the morning!  

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 6

Yesterday's rest helped big time!  I woke up early this morning, had my coffee and was ready to go!  Today I felt like I made it through the workout more easily, especially the cardio sequences.  I still hate the jumping jacks and the jump rope moves, but at least they are getting easier to do.

There aren't any noticeable changes in my body with the exception of my arms and shoulders, but those areas have been in the making for a longer period of time.  I feel like my abs are a little tighter, but there isn't a visible difference (yet).  I have decided to switch to Level 2 this week on my non-rowing days - Wed. Fri. and Sun. - and stick to Level 1 on row days, for the time being.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 5

I have decided to skip today and add the workout later.  Spent all day walking around Busch Gardens in the heat... body says rest, so that's what I'm going to do!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 4

The morning began with a tough rowing practice, so after doing that, doing the grocery shopping and washing the car, I didn't feel much like doing my 20 min shred.  Finally around 6pm I decided to pull myself together and suck it up.  Admittedly, I took tiny breaks throughout the cardio sequences but I didn't feel too bad about that given my morning.  My calves and shins have been sore from all the jumping around and I had a little knee pain, but nothing a little naproxen can't take care of.  I took some photos today to have a before picture, and later an after picture.

The workouts are still getting easier and I finally have a good idea how many reps I'm doing in each segment.  Jillian doesn't count them out, nor do they keep the beat with the background music.  Counting helps me to keep pushing.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 3

I couldn't sleep much past 6 this morning despite yesterday afternoon's exercise and the late bedtime so I got up and forced mysefl to turn on the TV and DVD.   My muscles are sore in a good way and I'm tired, but I feel good that I am done with this for today.  This morning I was craving a little more ab work as 3 mins just didn't feel enough for my stomach!  My arms and shoulders seem to be the most worked as they are the muscles that ache the most.  The lunges in this video are great for my upper thighs and bum.

Almost halfway done with my first week... day 30 is a long way away, but I can do this!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 2

Today I had an extra hour to spare so even though on Thursdays I have a rowing practice, I decided to have my 20 mins with Jillian anyway.  The jumping jacks and other cardio were easier today but strength training was just as tough.  I moved to a harder surface instead of carpet for the cardio segments - gave me better traction I guess.  I don't think I'll spend more than a week on Level 1 as it was already better today.  My 20 mins of shred made rowing even harder than usual as I was a little wobbly.  I wore a heart rate monitor for the workout and rowing, and apparently (according to it) I burned about 1800 calories from 4:30 to 9.  Is this even possible?!  More importantly I was at peak heart rate for a good bit of my shred.

I like Jillian's tough talking though - it keeps me going and reminds me that without this hard work, I won't see the results I want. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 1

I got the DVD in the mail today.  Watched about 5 minutes of it then decided to go ahead and start.  Today is my off day from rowing and I figured 20 minutes is not a lot.  Damn this workout is tough!  3 minutes of strength exercises followed by 2 minutes of cardio followed by 1 minute of abs, done 3 times.  I can tell where I struggle most; cardio.  Plus, it's a lot of jumping jacks and jump rope type things.  But, as Jillian says "you don't get results without hard work".  So, day 1 is done - I look forward to what I will look like on day 30.  

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Let the Games Begin!

I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new DVD purchase, "30-Day Shred" with Jillian Michaels.  The DVD contains 3 workouts, and is designed to be done everyday for 30 days.  What better way to jump-start my weight loss and slim down than with a 30-day challenge!  In order to hold myself accountable, I will document each day in hopes that I will stay motivated and hopefully motivate others.

I don't intend to lose weight simply by doing a 20 minute workout each day, but I do intend to start eating right, hopefully lose some inches, and in time lose the weight I want.

Starting Measurements:
thighs:  27"
hips:  44"
waist:  34"
bust:  36"
arms:  13"