An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Running on the Brain

A friend of mine made a comment today that she felt like running had been on her mind constantly and that a lot of her conversations had been about running lately.  This coming from a friend who decided to do her own "Couch to 10 miles" program not 3 months ago!  I'm proud of my friend for taking the plunge and deciding to train and run in the upcoming 10-miler race.  It is quite an ambitious feat.  But is it necessary for running to take up so much thinking space?

For people like my friend and I, running isn't easy, and yes, it does take up a lot of thinking space.  It takes mental preparation and follow through to keep it up and be consistent.   Running or exercise for that matter has to be on your mind in order for it to become a habitual action.  And for those of us who are trying to make it a steady part of our lives, it takes thinking and talking about it a lot.  It's important to hold yourself accountable and to have friends to hold accountable.  And really, if I weren't thinking and planning my runs throughout the week, I'd be putting my focus on something else.

This little conversation brought about the thought that running really isn't some phase I'm going through.  It's not like all the other exercise regimens I've done in the past like intramural volleyball, kick-boxing, weightlifting, dance aerobics, body pump, JILLIAN MICHAELS (oh, Jillian how I've neglected you!).  I think running has finally become a habitual action and without it I'm not sure I could function in a positive way.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Belly-Fat... Again.

I figured out why I haven't been gung-ho about working on my "6-pack" - it's the constant up and down off the floor and the ratio of head above heart vs. head below heart thing... Finishing Level 1 is like getting off one of those corkscrew roller coasters after a day of being thrown around.  Sunday I crunched those abs and afterwards I didn't feel better - just sick.  My head was scrambled.  A little bird told me though that Level 2 (although obviously more difficult) is a standing routine.  Maybe I should just crunch forward to that?  All I know is that this belly is never going to fix itself.

On a positive note, my running buddy and I have decided to do short runs 3 early mornings a week.  Monday, Wednesday and Friday are early mornings - we meet at 6:30 and do about 2 miles.  So far, so good!  I foresee some long runs in these next few weeks too!  So, my thought for the day is this:  At what point does running have an effect on belly-fat?  or does it?  Is it running consistently that shows the greatest results or is distance important too?  Also, I'm open to any ab-routine that is intense, quick and that I can do on my living room floor.  I've just got to choose either up or down - a mix plays tricks on my inner ear.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Relay for Life Fluvanna 5k

Yesterday I had the pleasure of participating in the Relay for Life Fluvanna 5k.  Following my usual pattern, after the 10-Miler I kind of fell off the wagon with distance running and have mainly been maintaining around 3 miles a couple times a week (if that).  Aside from raising money for a great cause, the race proved difficult.  There were many steady inclines, the sun was out in all it's glory and it occurred to me that I was a bit out of shape!  I didn't wear a hat (boo) either.  Eek.  I even dared myself to get on the scale today - something that could have been tragic, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been provided that bread and wine have been my vices lately!  In keeping with my 5 days out of 7 rule for the summer, today is a Jillian day.  My abs aren't sore anymore and that to me is an indication that I need to do it.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Another affair...

Well, it's another year gone since I started this blog, and six months since I last posted.   Recently I decided to get back together with Jillian.  This time with the 6-Week 6-Pack.  Whether the 6-pack will happen I don't know, nor do I really care, but if it's one thing that turning 30 does to a woman's body, it's putting on chub around the midsection.  From last summer's 30-Day Shred, I know that a Jillian Michaels video gets results, so long as you stick to the program.  

I started the day before yesterday with level 1.  This video works a bit differently as there are only 2 levels and the workout is pretty basic - do the routine slowly for the first 20 mins then do it all over again at half the speed.    It's not easy, but then again it's Jillian Michaels.  If I wanted easy, I would go back to The Firm's "Wave" which was fun, but offered results at a glacial pace.  Oh, and another thing - working out first thing in the morning is HARD - 6am is very early.  

As far as this years health history goes, I've lost 15 pounds since last summer, kept them off, and toned up quite a bit - particularly my legs.  But then again a steady regimen of running longer distances will do that.  So, my goal for this summer (if I can actually get up the motivation after this very difficult year of school), is to continue running and add in my time with Jillian.  At this point I am aiming to workout every 5 out of 7 days.

Maybe by this time next year I will have lost another 15 pounds.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Slow...but Sure.

Yesterday I found a scrap of paper with my measurements from the beginning of last summer.  This evening as I walked by and noticed the pink paper sticking out among the pile, I got the urge to measure myself again.  Mind, I couldn't find my inches measuring tape, only the one in centimeters.  Overall, I am still smaller than I was at the start of last summer.  I have gained an inch here and there, but I've lost an inch here or there.  Funny how it works that way!  I have even managed to lose 15 pounds since the start of last summer!  An effort that is finally beginning to pay off.  

I must add that this past Saturday I jogged almost 5.5 miles, a personal best in the past 2.5 years.  It's been a long time since my body and mind have cooperated with each other, and it has been a case of where the mind was willing, the body was not and vice versa.  Small steps and keeping to my core goals (even when I fall off the wagon) have helped me to feel like this is not just a vain effort to feel younger or prettier or more socially acceptable... or any of those things that many feel are important when changing your body and losing weight.  This is becoming a way of life!  

OMG, I sound like I am on a Weight Watchers commercial - but bear with me here.  Changing the way one thinks about food and eating AND exercise is hard.  It takes a long time and has many ups and downs.  Bottom line though, is understanding that it's ok to lose your way here and there.  It's not important if you gain a few over the holidays, so long as you snap yourself back into the swing of things when it's all done with.  This past holiday was the first of many, where I didn't completely stuff my face at every opportunity or become swayed by 10 tons of carbohydrates.  I even found myself wanting to exercise at least every other day.  The end result:  I have already lost the few pounds I gained.  Sometimes food just isn't worth it. 

I think of my relationship with food and exercise like this:  it doesn't matter if you don't eat right or exercise all the time, but it is important to eat right and exercise most of the time.

In comparison to my last post WAY back in August, I am feeling very positive.  But perhaps it's because I am finally feeling like I'm getting somewhere.  It's slow, but I'm sure I'm getting where I want to be.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Prioritize then Procrastinate

I've just spent the past couple of hours writing a couple of posts for my new online Master's program.  Each one I've had to carefully write and revise before hitting the "post" button.  So as a relief to the morning, I'm just going to write what comes to mind.  It's been awhile.

So here goes!  I'm hitting a wall lately.  A wall with my weight, a wall with my will and a wall with my exercise "plan".  I've lost a lot of interest in rowing over the past couple of weeks which is something I always look forward to, I've not felt motivated by the 4 mile run coming up on Sept 4th and I've not really felt much restraint with regards to eating.  It's not exactly been a period of eating cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner and slobbing around but there has been a distinct change in my attitude of late.

So of course I immediately go to the question, "what's wrong with me?".  The truth is, nothing.  In reality, I spent everyday of my beach vacation being active and eating relatively well, all the while brewing up a nice summer cold.  When I got back I got sick and in turn fell off the wagon.  The problem is, now that it's time to get back on, I can't be bothered.

It's a common occurrence where I binge on many things at once, get overwhelmed and loaded down, then shut down until I can get it together again.  Not a good thing if I can't balance all the things I want to do.  The obvious thing to do is to cut back on activities, focusing on what is important.  Here's what comes to mind first with regards to importance:

-losing weight, building muscle
-enjoying my food/booze now and again
-doing a good job at my "job"
-making good grades
-and for whatever reason it's last, making sure that I am a nice person to be around while doing so

I'm not really sure what I'm getting at with this post other than to rant a little about what's on my mind.  I am reminded of a t-shirt my sister once had that said "Procrastinators Unite... Tomorrow!"  That about sums it up right now.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Run/Walk, Sponsorship and Shoes

It's been a long time since I last posted, especially since I was posting everyday in June.  My affair with Jillian Michaels still continues just not on a daily basis and I am continuing to exercise at least 6 days a week.  These past couple of weeks have been mostly devoted to Couch to 5K and so far I have completed just over "2 weeks" of that program.  Because the program only requires a run/walk 3x a week, and I am trying to do about 4-5x a week, I am already up to jogging/walking in 90 second intervals for 25 minutes comfortably.  Up until this point I have yet to experience any major pain in my knee although today I felt a tinge of discomfort and forced myself to slow down, which corrected the problem quite quickly.  All in all, I am excited that I am having success with running and I look forward to running most of the 4 miler I am signed up for in September.

On that note, I am still looking for more sponsors who would be interested in dontating $25 to the UVA Breast Cancer Research.  The Women's 4 Miler is an annual event here in Charlottesville and I feel privileged to be a part of it... it filled up and sold out in less than a day!

If you are interested, click on the link below and the click that you would like to sponsor a runner... my name is spelled "reese" for this.  There are 3500 runners in this event - if all were to get 5 sponsors we could raise a lot more money for this important cause!

I would like to sponsor Ashley for $25

A little can go a long way!

On another note, how does one know that they need new running shoes?  Does my general muscle/joint ache come from the high impact, or do I need new shoes?  I've had mine for about a year and half and have not done much running, but use them for all athletic activities.  Any advice?

On yet another note, I went to the Endocrinologist yesterday and found out I have lost 7 lbs since my last visit... in January.  So, 7 pounds in 7 months.  I am due for a measurement check next week - will see where I really stand then!  Stay tuned!