An account of my 30 day affair with Jillian Michaels and beyond

Monday, August 15, 2011

Prioritize then Procrastinate

I've just spent the past couple of hours writing a couple of posts for my new online Master's program.  Each one I've had to carefully write and revise before hitting the "post" button.  So as a relief to the morning, I'm just going to write what comes to mind.  It's been awhile.

So here goes!  I'm hitting a wall lately.  A wall with my weight, a wall with my will and a wall with my exercise "plan".  I've lost a lot of interest in rowing over the past couple of weeks which is something I always look forward to, I've not felt motivated by the 4 mile run coming up on Sept 4th and I've not really felt much restraint with regards to eating.  It's not exactly been a period of eating cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner and slobbing around but there has been a distinct change in my attitude of late.

So of course I immediately go to the question, "what's wrong with me?".  The truth is, nothing.  In reality, I spent everyday of my beach vacation being active and eating relatively well, all the while brewing up a nice summer cold.  When I got back I got sick and in turn fell off the wagon.  The problem is, now that it's time to get back on, I can't be bothered.

It's a common occurrence where I binge on many things at once, get overwhelmed and loaded down, then shut down until I can get it together again.  Not a good thing if I can't balance all the things I want to do.  The obvious thing to do is to cut back on activities, focusing on what is important.  Here's what comes to mind first with regards to importance:

-losing weight, building muscle
-enjoying my food/booze now and again
-doing a good job at my "job"
-making good grades
-and for whatever reason it's last, making sure that I am a nice person to be around while doing so

I'm not really sure what I'm getting at with this post other than to rant a little about what's on my mind.  I am reminded of a t-shirt my sister once had that said "Procrastinators Unite... Tomorrow!"  That about sums it up right now.